Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Hello out there


My name is Evie and I live in Utah with my husband and 2 beautiful daughters.  The purpose of this blog is to expound upon what I am learning through the Holy Bible and other Christian writings.  I am excited to share what the Holy Spirit speaks to me.  To start with, I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God--that Jesus is his son.  Jesus came to Earth to teach but also to fulfill God's new covenant by dying in my place to come to life again on the third day.  I know he is coming back to judge those whose hearts remain hard and unchanged and to usher in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. 

I have been a Christian all my life, though it hasn't always been easy.  I feel like God has much to teach me, but thankfully he loves me too much to leave me the way I am.  :-)  I invite the Holy Spirit to come and clean out the cobwebs and instill Christ's love -- shining out to the world.

I am currently listening to the audio book "The Daniel Prayer" by Anne Graham Lotz.  In it she exhorts Christians to deliberately make a time and a place for prayer.  That prayer should not be 'business as usual' with the standard phrases and lists of requests.  We are to humbly come to the lord with an earnest 'heart cry.'  She says that Daniel cried out to the lord, knowing that there was no help coming from anywhere else, but confident that the Lord heard his plea.  The book inspires us to take a fresh approach to prayer.  On Sunday, I felt led to Hannah's prayer and inspired by her faith.  I have created my own paraphrase.  I will add this special prayer to the blog tomorrow. 

Thanks for reading and God Bless!

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