Friday, May 22, 2020

Hannah Rejoices!

Continuing on the theme of prayer.....

If we're not careful, we can fall into a rut with our prayer time.  I know I do.  Much of my prayer is a list of what I am thankful for, then a list of what I am asking for help with.  So last Sunday during quiet time, I felt called to take a new look at Hannah.  I can relate to her as a mother myself.  Her heart cried out to God for relief.  When God answered her prayer and she had a child, her prayer poured out of a grateful heart.  I have reworked it mostly in my own words, adding emphasis and referencing the Message and Good News translations. 

from I Samuel 2:1-10

    Hanna's Rejoices

The Lord has filled my heart with joy
how happy I am because of what he has done!
No one is holy, there are none like Him,
no rock like our God.

    Stop your boasting, be humble,
    for God knows all and judges all we do.
    The strong are brought down
    while the weak are strengthened!

God brings death and God brings life.
He lowers and he lifts up!
--helping the poor and needy.
The foundations of the earth belong to the
Lord; on them he built the world.

    He protects the faithful, while the wicked
    just disappear; no one is strong enough
    on their own.
    God's enemies destroyed, Earth made brand new!
    Jesus Christ will be over all!


Notice something interesting about her prayer of thanksgiving?  It is focused wholly on God!  On His strength, character and triumph!  It really helps put things into focus when we take the focus off ourselves and turn to God.

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