Sunday, June 21, 2020

Tough Questions

Last week we watched the Revelation episode from Superbook.  This was the second time we have done so because it is one of our favorites.  In the story, the character Chris accidentally starts a fire.  The fire is put out, but his house is burned to the ground.  Chris feels angry and upset.  He feels like there is no hope, that his parents will never be able to forgive him. 

Superbook takes Chris, his friend Joy, and robot Gizmo on a journey to the end of times.  But Chris is left alone in a barren wasteland where Satan tries to convince him that God is to blame for all the suffering in the world, that he allows it to happen.  But Chris listens to the Holy Spirit and refutes Satan. 

It is an amazing episode.  My girls (age 6 and 9) love the ending where all the earth is made new and God is seated on the throne.  They love the golden angels and flying horses.

But the middle of the story brings up the big question, 'If God loves us and is all-powerful, why does he allow bad things to happen?'  The answer is not simple.  First of all, God did not want Earth to be this way.  He wanted it to stay a beautiful Eden where God walked with man.  But he gave/gives us free will.  He gives us a choice.  Otherwise we would just be soulless automaton (robots.)  He gives us a choice, and he wants us to choose him!  He wants us to willingly give over our lives to his plan, to give us love and joy forever.  As a loving Father, he gently guides us.  Sometimes he humbles us with trials, refining us in the fire, molding us as clay in his hands.  He wants so much more for us!

He is indeed, a Good, Good Father!

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